I didn’t try very hard at school.
Luckily for me, I didn’t have to. I was smart enough to come home with a pretty decent report card.
But the results didn’t make me happy. I’d put nothing into them, and so I got nothing out of them.
I’ve since failed many times, at things I wanted to do and things I was sure would succeed at.
Every time I failed but tried my best, I was far happier than when I didn’t try and found success easily.
In the end, the success didn’t matter — the result wasn’t the important part.
It was trying my best — knowing that I put everything I had at the time into it — that determined if I was happy or not.
When you take your next step today, don’t worry about the outcome, or where it’s supposed to be taking you, or even if you’re doing the “right” thing.
Just give it your best shot.