It’s human nature to look for meaning in the world; to attach labels and think up laws to make sense of the chaos.
But there is only one True Constant in the Universe: everything changes.
All empires eventually falter. Our things break and need replacing. Fashions cycle, meanings shift, and one way or another, every relationship comes to an end.
We cause ourselves a great deal of pain by ignoring this simple fact.
Change isn’t just something that happens; it is Life itself.
Everything in existence is just matter changing from one form to another at different speeds. We can influence it, and often we can direct it in our favour, but we can never prevent it.
This eventuality is something to be grateful for when we’re ill, depressed, stressed, waiting on hold, and even if a narcissistic, racist orange with tiny hands runs your country.
Nothing lasts forever.
And I find that oddly comforting.