
No matter what anyone tells you, there’s no perfect way to get what you want.

Sticking to a methodology or a way of practice is — if anything — a weakness.

To master anything, to reach any vision, we must accept the struggle.

But we must also be mindful enough to know if we are struggling more than necessary because we have taken the wrong approach.

Or if we are struggling because we have let our priorities slip.

It’s easy to let older habits fade to the backburner when exciting new work comes our way.

When the sun comes out to play after a long winter, it’s even easier to make excuses not to practice; not to find the time for our practice.

Instead, we should re-assess our approach to ensure we have time for our old habits. The ones that got us here.

That means switching up the schedule and consciously blocking the time to ensure we make time for the little but important things that move us towards our long-term goals.

No plan is perfect. And a perfect plan never stays perfect long.