The most dangerous ideas we have are the ones we use to limit ourselves.
Interestingly, we base many of those on our ideas about other people.
It could be things like “boys like cars” or “girls like dolls” or “salespeople are extroverts” or “running is hard” or “they’re better than me.”
Our identity is as much defined by the things we think we aren’t as by what we think we are. To misquote Seth Godin, “people like me can’t do things like that.”
Fortunately, there are millions of people out there that are just itching to prove us wrong. People who are doing things we think we can’t do but who look suspiciously like us.
There are few things better than having a conversation with someone you admire and respect deeply and realizing that you’re not so different.
Because that’s when “that’s not me” turns into “that could be me.”
And another door opens.