This article isn’t about apples but it might get a bit fruity.
For many years I was very cruel to my body and will suffer the consequences of that for the rest of my life. Not all of those consequences were negative, though.
One of the positives was that I had to start caring about food.
For those first 25 years my body was a machine—a roiling furnace. A power station that would burn anything and everything put into it. And I tried.
Then things began to fall apart and start to leak and the wheels fell off and I was left with a choice: an inevitably painful and premature death. Or start caring about what went into my body.
The choice was easy but the decision was hard.
And it’s still happening six years later.
But it started with one little step at a time.
A glass of water first thing.
A walk through the cold.
An extra piece of fruit a day.
A trip to the gym.
A moment alone.
All to keep the demons away.